Who needs a transformational job and why?
Why does a person need a transformational work?I am not saying that everyone needs in it, most likely the transformation is needed for those people who are not satisfied with their lives.Not satisfied with the constantly repeating events that interfere with a happy life.On a consultation, people came to me with different stories and problems from which they wanted to get rid of, wanted to change something in their lives, but did not know how and where to start.People are essentially unhappy, dissatisfied with their lives.Dissatisfaction in his personal life consisted mainly of similar difficulties: "not those men (women)" come across, men or women often drop out, a rival always appears ... Or the partners stay together, but in their mutual relations there are lots of conflicts, revenge, pain ...In the sphere of career, often young people can not define the choice of profession or can not get along in the team, have to leave and it is in the best case or fire... Misunderstanding and conflicts with parents, close relatives, loved ones.There are many such situations, and examples can be brought to infinity.All these stories are similar to their despair, a vicious circle and there is no opening, a way out of the situation.Also, the health situation ... We tend to get sick and the disease repeats constantly, goes on into a chronic form, and the help from the doctors is not significant and not for long, the illness returns, is complicated and new ones appear ... There are many examples of troubles that all people havewithout exception.Someone finds a solution, but most people do not manage to change this situation on their own ...
At first, I did not suggest everyone the transformation work, working on the client's request.But with experience, I realized that it is necessary for everyone without exception.And if you start with it, then the further work was faster and more efficient.Because it is the transformation work that makes it possible to understand which programs, which settings or behavior algorithms control by a person.
Realizing and seeing your program, to highlight it on the front, to look at it from different sides, to understand how it works, to give it form, this is the first stage of the transformational work.When a person understands how the program guides his life and acts as a life style, the person is given the choice to change or take it with profit for himself ...
It's no secret that the programs, directions that guide us all my life, are laid down in the childhood from about the time of our birth and up to 5 years, in my work as a psychologist I have tracked that there are programs acquired in older and older ages, but they still lie down or cling to already entrenched programs.That is, a person makes a choice constantly, and this choice will be made in favor of the existing installations.In families where fathers are absent due to business trips or because of the parents' divorce from the child, a similar installation may be formed by the girl ....If the girl concluded that men are harsh, constantly absent irritated, but very necessary and beloved, then in adulthood, the choice will fall precisely on such an object of love and desire, because there was no other experience, this one, though it will bring a lot of pain,but a woman who has such an attitude is familiar with precisely this form of relationship, she understands and desires it ... To change such a setup, it must first be realized and accepted as a reality taking place with it.And then make the choice to stay with her, and get already let and perverse pleasure, but already conscious and therefore not bringing stress or to change and accept into your world other relationships that bring something else, and this is the choice of the person himself what he wants ...
Or another example: A boy at the age of 2 and a half fell ill with pneumonia, in the child's memories his mother did not leave the crib, despite the injections and nasty drugs, the child felt the love of the parents, the feelings for him, the mother's closeness, importance and importance...This moment formed a strongly entrenched installation, "when I'm sick, they love me and I am meant".In adulthood, this man will always fall ill in order to feel love, care and intimacy if it is lack of in reality ...
In families where there is no big income and the couple often raise the issue of lack of means of subsistence, children often hear talk about money, how they are missing, how hard they get, or reproaches the mother that the father is not able to earn and take care of them ...What kind of installation can a child have?For example, "Money gets hard" and when a person grows up, he chooses hard work, and he gives much energy to make money, but this does not bring happiness, because he is programmed for "Hard, difficult life" ... A girl in such family can grow uplooking for a husband who earns a man well, it may not be bad if, in addition to this quality, she paid attention to other important qualities, such as kindness, decency, intelligence, caring, fidelity ... But most likely these qualities will go into the shadows, losingplace itselfimportant "Money" ... You can only imagine that such program awaits a young woman in her personal life ...
In any program that is rooted in us, there is always a huge compensation.Even when the situation seems horrific in the fact.The main task is to find this secondary benefit and to realize it, accept not condemn myself.Feelings of guilt or shame prevent us from freeing ourselves.Our task is realizing an ineffective program, accept it without feeling guilty or shame!
Just imagine what you can achieve, knowing that any program can be changed ... What do you decide how to manage Your Reality?You are the Creator of your life!Even if we take into account the religious dogmas that a man does not control his destiny, that only God can lead a person and determine his fate or some other Higher forces ... By the way, religious programs and attitudes also have a very strong influence on our lives.Do you think these Higher Forces want you to be unhappy, hard work, sick, have problems with material well-being, and experience other hardship?I think no!Remember that we always have a choice!This is our gift.And we constantly, every second make a choice due to our formed attitudes ... So why, if they do not bring happiness to you, do not part with them, do not change them for a more effective installation that will bring happiness and prosperity to your life !?